Unleashing Creativity through Investments in STEM Learning

3D Printer

Our increasingly knowledge-based economy is driven by innovation—the foundation of which lies in a dynamic and well-educated workforce equipped with strong STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) skills. 

In 2022, to further support Wilson Area School District students in this critical space, the Foundation identified K-12 STEM education as a priority, three-year initiative. In collaboration with WASD educators, our first-year goals were to reduce limitations on creativity and enable students to be challenged at a higher level—both of which would ultimately strengthen the talent pipeline for our future Lehigh Valley workforce.

To help fuel our STEM initiative, the Foundation applied for, and received, a $5,000 grant from the KeyBank Foundation. These funds went toward the purchase of an additional state-of-the-art 3D printer for the high school’s Innovation Lab. 

Upon arrival of the 3D printer last month, the machine was integrated into Mr. Erik Everett’s high school technology courses, including Principles of Engineering, Innovation & Design, and Civil Engineering. Through these courses, students have used 3D printing capability to create items such as motor brackets, gears, ID badge holders, hinges, emergency fire door replacement parts, mechanical movement device components, and much more. They’ve also broadened their thinking to develop prototypes for innovative projects.

3D printing brings out our kid-creative minds that say anything is possible. This is an area that becomes suppressed through the innate limitations of our environments and the belief that only one correct answer exists to problems we encounter.”
—Mr. Erik Everett, WAHS Industrial Art Teacher

The investment in a new 3D printer will enhance the educational experience for WAHS tech ed students this school year, and will continue to do so throughout the life of the machine. With reduced wait times and expanded capability, educators are able to challenge students at a higher level across multiple areas of the technology-centered curriculum.

We’re grateful for the KeyBank Foundation’s support in empowering Wilson Area’s future innovators to successfully compete in an ever-evolving, technology-based world. As our children and youth are exposed to the most modern technology available, they’ll continue to gain confidence and expand their thinking for both creative expression and real world problem solving.